The Beverly Hills Main Post Office is a textbook example of the Renaissance Revival style. The front elevation is marked by alternately arched and triangle-pedimented windows, and a rusticated terracotta beltcourse and quoining. The lobby is finished with marble veneer, and has a verde marble floor. Several Treasury Section of Fine Arts murals are placed in the public lobby.
Beverly Hills is an incorporated city of 32,000 located in the western portion of Los Angeles County. Famous worldwide as a wealthy residential enclave within the Los Angeles metropolis, the city was founded by the Rodeo Land and Water Company as "City for the Swell" and incorporated in 1914.
Will Rogers, in a 1930 letter to Secretary of the Treasury Andrew Mellon, asked for a new Beverly Hills post office, as "...we are getting a lot of mail out here now, and they are handling it in a tent". Whatever real impact his request had, he is locally credited with winning the new facility from Washington, D.C.
Directly east of the post office site is the Beverly Hills City Hall- a classic Spanish Renaissance structure built in 1932 and designed by William J. Gage in a magnificent style not typical of those Depression-era days.
No known archaeologic resources exist within or adjacent to the subject property. Subsurface investigation or additional research does not appear justified.